Paragon D&E

PDE History Continues

If you have glanced at our Culture & History page (, you will see we have experienced big historical moments, and while those are amazing and help us remember how we got to this point, the history-making continues. In the past year and a half, Paragon has seen:

  • A 170,000LB+ steel block be delivered
  • Deep-hole drill a diameter of 9 inches and depth of 65 inches through a block of steel
  • Install 2 CHETO IXN 3000 7-Axis Gundrill Machines
  • Increase our PDE weight capacities with a new spreader bar

Thankfully as we continue to make history, technology has allowed us to document the past historical moments for our facility. These moments have put Paragon on a new pedestal regarding Precision Machining, Mold Making, Weight Capacities, and more. People who follow us on social media and website can get a real feel for what the Paragon Family can handle from start to finish on a project.

After the past year with a GLOBAL Pandemic, we have documented another historic moment at our facility. Upgrading our spreader bar meant increasing our weight capacities from 70+ ton crane capacity to 100+ ton crane capacity. By doing this, we were able to execute what was once unimaginable. Two weeks ago, Paragon D&E saw its largest block arrive. At a whopping 196,000LBS on a 200FT trailer, the PDE team flawlessly executed the largest lift and move of a steel block EVER at our facility!

While we find all the videos below quite extraordinary and positive publicity for our company, our BIG BLOCK 2021 video captures not only a very… huge block, but it shows how well our team executes teamwork, a plan, safety, and professionalism. Lastly, we want to show young people that this industry is fun, challenging, and worth exploring. We hope our videos impress current and new customers and lead us to be an influencer in the trade work industry. Enjoy!

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